First Lady Melania Trump in front of American Flag

Is a Prenuptial Agreement Modifiable? Melania Trump Did it

Prenups and Postnups May Be Modified As long as both spouses agree, a prenuptial agreement or postnuptial agreement can be modified, or even voided. Colorado has adopted the Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act, which governs both prenuptial agreements (aka “prenups”) and postnuptial agreements (postnups). The Act allows people contemplating…

Rolls Royce

Divorce Settlement Creates New Billionaire

Big Divorce Settlement Move over MacKenzie Bezos, the world has a new billionaire divorcee. This next one pales by comparison, but following one of the most expensive divorce cases ever, the ex-wife of a Chinese business tycoon has walked away with a $3.2 billion divorce settlement agreement. And yes, that’s Billion with…